Wasabi Wallet
Wasabi is an open-source, non-custodial, privacy focused Bitcoin wallet for Windows, Linux and Mac. It includes built-in Tor, CoinJoin and coin control features.
Hardware Wallet
Not applicable
Control over your money
This wallet gives you full control over your bitcoins. This means no third party can freeze or lose your funds. You are however still responsible for securing and backing up your wallet.
Centralized validation
This wallet relies on a centralized service by default. This means a third party must be trusted to not hide or simulate payments.
Complete transparency
The source code for this wallet is public and the build process is deterministic. This means any developer in the world can audit the code and make sure the final software isn't hiding any secrets.
Vulnerable environment
This wallet can be loaded on computers which are vulnerable to malware. Securing your computer, using a strong passphrase, moving most of your funds to cold storage, or enabling two-factor authentication can make it harder to steal your bitcoins.
Improved privacy
Prevents spying on your payments
This wallet makes it harder to spy on your balance and payments by rotating addresses. You should still take care to use a new Bitcoin address each time you request payment.
Avoids disclosing information
This wallet does not disclose information to peers on the network when receiving or sending a payment.
Tor can be used
This wallet lets you setup and use Tor as a proxy to prevent attackers or Internet service providers from associating your payments with your IP address.
Dynamic fee with override
This wallet provides fee suggestions which are based on current network conditions which you can override. This means that this wallet will help you choose the appropriate fee so that your transactions are confirmed in a timely manner without paying more than you have to, but ultimately gives you control if you want to override the suggestion.
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Not applicable