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Bitcoin 開發


Bitcoin 屬於開放原始碼,任何開發者都能參與這個專案。你所需要的一切都在GitHub repository上。請確實閱讀並遵守 README 裡的開發流程、提供高品質的程式碼,以及遵守所有的指導方針。

Bitcoin 的開發討論在 GitHub 和 sourceforge 上的比特幣-發展郵件清單進行。不那么正式的開發討論在 上的#bitcoin-dev (web 界面, 日誌) 進行。


若是您有興趣進一步瞭解 Bitcoin 的更多技術細節和怎麼使用現有的工具和 APIs,建議您從瞭解開發人員文檔開始。


下面的聊天室和網站開展關於 Bitcoin 發展的討論。在發佈消息前請務必閱讀它們的規則。

Bitcoin Core 貢獻者




  • Armory - A wallet with enhanced security features, written in C++.
  • BFGMiner - A modular miner, written in C.
  • Bitcoin Wallet - A SPV wallet for Android, written in Java.
  • bitcoinj - A library for SPV wallets, written in Java.
  • btcd - A full node, written in Go.
  • BTCPay Server - A cross platform, self-hosted server compatible with Bitpay API, written in C#.
  • btcwallet - A hierarchical deterministic wallet daemon, written in Go.
  • ckpool - A fast mining pool server application, written in C.
  • Electrum - A fast server-trusting wallet, written in Python.
  • Eloipool - A fast mining pool server application, written in Python.
  • Haskoin - An implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, written in Haskell.
  • Libbitcoin - A cross-platform development toolkit, written in C++.
  • Libbitcoin Server - A full node and query server, built on libbitcoin.
  • Libbitcoin Explorer - A command line tool, built on libbitcoin.
  • Libblkmaker - A client library for the getblocktemplate mining protocol, written in C.
  • NBitcoin - A cross-platform library, written in C#.
  • picocoin - A tiny library with lightweight client and utilities, written in C.
  • python-bitcoinlib - A library for structures and protocols, written in Python.
  • Python Blkmaker - A client library for the getblocktemplate mining protocol, written in Python.
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